June 29 and 30, 2024

8th Artists Night

Orangery Darmstadt

"Water is." This is our theme for the artists' night, which will take place on June 29 and 30, 2024 in the Orangery Darmstadt.

The sentence is a statement, an assertion. Water is indispensable, because without water there is no life. But there is a catch: only a small proportion of the available fresh water is actually usable. In addition, water is distributed unevenly around the world and billions of people have no access to clean water. But the fact is that plants, animals and people need water to live. With the theme "Water is." We want to deal with the importance of water as a resource and use our works of art to stimulate thought, ask questions and encourage hope.

The artist night is a unique platform where advanced and professional artists show their art together.

Impressions of Artists Night 2022
June 25 and 26, 2022

Impressions of Artists Night 2022

Photos by Meinolf Stute and Damyeong Yoo

The theme of the artists night at the Orangery Darmstadt in June 2022 was "Neubruch". Enjoy the photos of the weekend.

25. und 26. Juni 2022


zur Künstlernacht 2022

Wir freuen uns über ihren Besuch der Künstlernacht mit dem Thema „NEUBRUCH“.

Die beteiligten darstellenden und bildenden Künstlerinnen und Künstler stellen sich in diesem Künstlerkatalog vor mit ihrer biographischen und künstlerischen Geschichte, ihren Gedanken zum Thema der Künstlernacht und beschreiben ihre Werke, die in der Ausstellung zu sehen sind.

Wir wünschen ihnen viel Freude beim realen und virtuellen Rundgang durch die Künstlernacht.

Artists Night 2022
June 25 and 26, 2022

7th Artists Night

Orangery Darmstadt

This year's Artists Night will take place on June 25 and 26 under the theme “NEUBRUCH” in the Orangery Darmstadt.

The Artists Night is a unique platform for performing and visual artists, musicians and spoken word artists, where advanced and professional artists show their art together. The participating artists come from Darmstadt and the surrounding area as well as from other parts of Germany.

This year's theme captures what's in the air. The definition of the term “NEUBRUCH” can be found in the Duden as follows: “new arable land that has been plowed for the first time”. What figurative meaning does a new break have in our present? For everyone personally, for our country, the international community, our planet? (Climate) political, societal, social? What can a new beginning look like, in terms of content and artistic expression? Where do we need a change, a new beginning?

Impressions of Artists Night 2020
June 27 and 28, 2020

Impressions of Artists Night 2020

Films by Jason Mack and Hope TV

Under the theme "Stable values in Change" (Wertbeständig im Wandel), the Artists Night took place in the Orangery Darmstadt on June 27 and 28, 2020 under very special conditions.

Filmmaker Jason Mack accompanied the weekend with camera and microphone. A team from the television station Hope TV were also there and put together a report.